It has quite literally been years since I tinkered around on this and I wasn't even sure I would remember the login. Luckily, my browser did. Love technology.
Okay, so in the intervening years, life happened and death, truth be told, happened. The break that I took from the Seasons of Conflict novel still remains just that. I took up sailing and ventured around the Pacific and Caribbean, bagging the mountain peaks of southern California in preparation for hiking up Machu Picchu, went on a photographic safari across Tanzania, learned to snowboard, and rediscovered love - feline and especially agape.
I was also recently struck with appreciating the symbolism of light.
Light is one of the most universal and fundamental symbols. It is the spiritual and the divine. It is illumination and intelligence. Light is the source of goodness and the ultimate reality, and it accompanies transcendence into the Nirvana of Buddhist doctrine.
While waiting beside my father's deathbed, I knew it was a matter of time that his light would join the light of the world. It seemed a natural way for me to view his passing.
Writing appears to be a cyclical activity with me, in this particular instance spurred on by a recent incident such as death just as it was in the last instance eight years ago.
Everybody's coming back to take stock of their lives. You
know what I say? Leave your livestock alone. ~ Debi Newberry, Grosse Pointe Blank