Thursday, November 12, 2009

Steady as she goes

Thought I'd give a little status update on the novel. It's been a roller coaster. I started out a little bit ahead of the daily word count minimum 1,667 words, but then fell behind which put the pressure on the weekend to make up for the slack. This week seems to be about the same, but it is something to claim having written 100 pages of anything 11 days. I kept a little log with some random thoughts each day as I concluded writing that day.

Nov 1: Feels like I can keep writing, but I want to save some excitement for tomorrow. Added some characters I didn't think I would, but not straying too far away from the plot. (2,080 words)

Nov 2: Half way through, the story is taking on added layers of complexity which is very cool. I have to stop now in the morning before work. Hopefully I can get some writing in at the office. Lots of OTN dialog which I hate. (4,186 words)

Nov 3: I should create more drama with the climactic death of Theia. The aftermath is a bit boring, but it helps to introduce the other Titans which I originally didn't think would play a significant role in this story. That's kinda cool. (5,761 words)

Nov 4: Work was super busy and I only had 3 hours of sleep. I squeezed in a couple hours at the office. The plot is expanding within the outline and I still haven't gotten to the Act 1 break. (7,509 words)

Nov 5: Ran out of time at work. Hate being behind now. (8,202 words)

Nov 6: Got a decent amount of writing in, but none of it feels good. A lot of scenes seem functional and I am introducing some story elements that don't make sense relative to the overall plot. (10,227 words)

Nov 7: Well, I don't hate it yet. There are some interesting arguments going on and I'm starting to get some of the stories back on track. Just need to keep focusing on writing two pages per beat and then move on. Just need to trust the outline. (12,054 words)

Nov 8: I am going to give in to the fact that this first draft will be really rough and a lot of things won't make sense. So I will have to refrain from overthinking things and worry about all of that in the editing phase. (14,044 words)

Nov 9: Got through a love scene that went by quickly and almost too easily. May need to tone it down depending on how this book will be marketed. Feels good to be back on schedule. (16,096 words)

Nov 10: Feeling good. Took care of a nagging plothole with a great torture scene that also revealed character. Love it! (17,461 words)

Nov 11: Really fleshed out some problem areas to smooth things over. Some interesting character development. Love when I get into a roll. (19,096 words)


"Take no prisoners!" He kept saying over and over to me. I understood what he meant, of course, but it didn't make any sense when all we were doing was...
...getting to fourth base in the back of his Miata.

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