Other proprietors of deliciousness appear to be jumping on the proverbial bandwagon and selling their wares in transit. I just realized that this is just a glorified ice-cream truck, but unlike the roach coaches of yester-year, what distinguishes this phenomenon is the fact that the food is excellent. It is in fact gourmet.
What strikes me odd is that it is taking a well-established brand, such as Sprinkles Cupcakes, and utilizing a ghetto means of delivery to make it available to pockets of civilization throughout southern California. But in these hard times, a business person would be prudent to explore any and all viable options of staying in business. It is the American way, after all.
So the business model of mobile food dictates much lower overhead (lease payments for a 4,000 sq. ft. store front in prime location vs. lease payments on a van or truck, utilities and maintenance vs. gas money, etc.). Without penciling out the precise figures, it's a money-saver.
But more than that, this is a marketing windfall. Utilizing Twitter updates to blast followers as to the whereabouts of the @sprinklesmobile increases their customer base as well as achieve operational efficiencies by matching supply more closely with demand for your food and reducing inventory costs.
Granted I may be among the first 1,327 followers thus far. But rest assured, after the 500 free cupcake giveaway at LA's The Grove this afternoon, that number will grow exponentially. Rest assured.
Which country has the most entertaining government?
1. Oh, they all do. There are so many parties.
2. The US for sure. You can place bets on which old fogey will doze off first.
3. The Canadian. Where else can you demand a strip search of your mayor at two in the morning?
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