I don’t understand the appeal of Pinkberry. I never have. Friends and loved ones have dragged me there over the years and I always pass. It’s tart in an unnatural way. If I wanted something tart, I would have Greek yogurt. Something real. But if I’m gonna splurge on the calories to eat something resembling soft serve ice-cream, it better taste like ice-cream and call itself yogurt. Capiche?
A few weeks ago, my friend Shannon introduced me to Yogurtland. Such a superior flavor profile I tell you. Not only that, but their yogurts do contain active live cultures: S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, and L. Acidophilus. Sounds like a Latin playbill, doesn’t it? As for the calories, they range from 96-132 calories per ½ cup (84 grams).
Why is Yogurtland better than Pinkberry? Yogurtland offers:
- 12 choices of flavors instead of 2
- fresh fruit toppings and dry toppings galore
- 30 cents per ounce, so you don’t feel ripped off paying $5
- self-serve yogurt and toppings so you get exactly what you want and how much you want
My current flavor combination is: peanut butter, coconut and Dutch chocolate with peanuts, coconuts, and sliced almonds.
They are currently located in California, Hawaii, Nevada, New York, Texas and Arizona. I wrote them to see if they would open one up in my house soon. I’ll keep you posted.
LOVE LOVE LOVE YOGURTLAND!! They are opening more stores as we type....