The idea came when I was having dumplings with a group of friends at Din Tai Fung, the dumpling house in Arcadia. Bryan happened to mention that he preferred Luscious Dumplings and while we all filed that recommendation away in our memories, we dwelled instead on how hysterical was the modifier "luscious" to refer to "dumplings." In fact, we thought it bordered on something salacious. I think Iris in fact suggested to me that I ought to write a story about Luscious Dumplings, and I agreed.
I wanted to try my hand at writing a comedy piece and given my limited training on the craft (read zero), I tried to think of opposites and juxtaposing diametrically different ideas and situations together. I searched my memory for amazing moments in cinema history to glean what were the most riveting and dramatic scenes. The first one that came to mind was the final court room scene in A Few Good Men in which Kaffee thunders away at Jessep on the witness stand. I thought to myself how ironic it would be to hear someone argue vehemently about something as trivial as "luscious dumplings" and thus the idea was born. Check out Luscious Dumplings, my first attempt at parody. Then check out Luscious Dumplings, the restaurant.
Luscious Dumplings
704 W. Las Tunas Blvd.
San Gabriel, CA 91776
I took an inventory this morning and have come to conclusion that my most cherished possession is...
...a lock of my first love's hair. Well, not exactly a lock actually. More what you'd call a scalp.
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