Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009
Financial penalties

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
About as subtle as a gun
Not you again. Listen - I have no desire to be felt up again, you perv. All I want is to come into town and pick up my bolts of gingham from the Ingals Store and be on my way.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Farewell white-gloved one

- 1972: "Ben" (1 week)
- 1979: "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" (1 week)
- 1980: "Rock with You" (4 weeks)
- 1983: "Billie Jean" (7 weeks)
- 1983: "Beat It" (3 weeks)
- 1983: "Say Say Say" (6 weeks)
- 1985: "We Are The World" (4 weeks) (this track is counted extraofficially, considering that was credited to USA for Africa)
- 1987: "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" (with Siedah Garrett) (1 week)
- 1987: "Bad" (2 weeks)
- 1987: "The Way You Make Me Feel" (1 week)
- 1988: "Man in the Mirror" (2 weeks)
- 1988: "Dirty Diana" (1 week)
- 1991: "Black or White" (7 weeks)
- 1995: "You Are Not Alone" (1 week)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
How good's your Alibi?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Moon over my Sammy
Not since Tom Hanks in Cast Away almost 10 years ago have we seen a protagonist take up largely the entire movie and every single scene in it. While Cast Away eventually returned Chuck Noland to civilization years later and thus interact with other characters, Moon takes the sense of isolation one step further by keeping Sam Bell on the moon for the entirety of the story and he is alone, except for GERTY, the pleasant and eagerly helpful robot.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Worst office product ever!

One day, I inserted a new set of staples into her, and all of a sudden, she decided not to work. I thought these things were standard, but I guess they're not. They really should make standard staples. Why would anyone want to stock different staples for different staplers?
Anyway, the staples I used wouldn't work on her. I would have to open her up, slide the staples forward and then bang down on her. If I'm doing a lot of stapling, I repeat this action and each time, I get more and more pissed.
I wonder if she wanted more attention from me. More handholding. I dunno, whatever. I don't need a needy stapler. I've got more pressing concerns quite frankly, like the 3-hole punch, but don't get me started.
Then a colleague of mine asked to use my stapler. I warned him about how she acts up. How she's difficult. He chuckles at me as he took hold of her, adjusts the staples one last time, and then swiftly and firmly banged the top of her head.
He continued away stapling with efficiency and I stared at him in wonder. I glared at her for betraying me. How could she work with ease in his hand and not in mine? Have I not been loyal? Having broken her of her obstinate ways, he left me with her to do our daily deeds.
Today, I noticed I've run out of staples again, and I wonder if she will regress into her once needy obstinate ways. I honestly don't know. But I do know that I will never get rid of her. I will never let anyone take her away from me. We've gone through thick and thin, she and I.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Who are you?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Chasing your food

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Must wear hats

Friday, June 19, 2009
God bless the chickpea

On a cutting board mince and mash the garlic to a paste with the salt. In a food processor purée the chick-peas with the garlic paste, the tahini, the lemon juice, 1/4 cup of the oil, and 1/2 cup water, scraping down the sides, until the hummus is smooth and add salt to taste. Add water, if necessary, to thin the hummus to the desired consistency and transfer the hummus to a bowl. In the food processor, cleaned, purée the remaining 1/4 cup oil with the parsley until the oil is bright green and the parsley is minced transfer the parsley oil to a small jar. The hummus and the parsley oil may be made 3 days in advance and kept covered and chilled. Divide the hummus between shallow serving dishes and smooth the tops. Drizzle the hummus with the parsley oil and sprinkle it with the pine nuts. Serve the hummus with the pita.
Well, I predict a resurgence of hummus after its forthcoming appearance in the movie, Bruno. In it, hummus is featured when Bruno purposely confuses Hummus and Hamas in an interview with Israeli and Palestinian scholars, creating much confusion.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Speaking in Code
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
One Cat Two Cat Red Cat Blue Cat
Amazing Gracie by Pat Ames
Out Of Nowhere by Miriam Paschal and Ron Aberdeen
Out of Sync by Irin Evers
Principles of Buoyancy by Bob Thielkie
Time's Fool by William Gammon
Pure by Jeff R. Williams
The Breakup Artists by Gary Milin
Bordering On Insanity by Kent Murray
Buried South of Galatians, Wedding Knight, and Horror Comic by Stephen Hoover
In The Frost Killing Hour by Indigo Thomas
The Shadow Hill Massacre by Steven DeGennaro and Rob Bass
Project Death Rattle and Shard by Chris Simons
Scam by Ross McQueen
Of Wolf and Man by Jeffrey Boggio
Deleted Scenes by Tyler Theofilos
Kolkata Knight by RJ Maher
The Song And The Wound and The Eternity Bomb by Anthony Dodd
The Life and Death of Dr. Fritz Gerlich by Paul Clingan
Imaginary Friends by John Stacari
Our Own Be Won by Jared Cole Shipley
Ailbion by Blaise Hesselgren
Condolences to those who did not place, and heart felt congratulations to those who did! Job well done, I should say!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pain is French bread

Monday, June 15, 2009
It's not just about the cookies

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Beat(en) Generation

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wooly mammoths

Friday, June 12, 2009
Look out London

Thursday, June 11, 2009
I've lost my voice!
Here are some assorted ramblings:
Voice conveys the attitude the writer has toward the world of the script. Are you sarcastic about your characters? Do you admire the bravery of your protagonist? Do you think love is the only thing worth living for, etc.
Voice is the kind of names you give your characters, whether you identify them by their first or last name. It's how much humor you use, and when.
If you write 2 different scripts with different worlds (e.g., drama vs. comedy), you may have very different attitudes, but voice isn't just about the attitude toward / description of the world, it's also about the control you have over your voice, the confidence you have in your ability to deliver the world to your audience, and even your attitude toward the audience.
Voice doesn't necessarily mean loudness, and it certainly doesn't mean copying people who are famous for their voice."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Twisted Nursery Rhymes

Jack and Jill went up a hill
To fetch a kiss or two.
Jack went down and went around
And Jill groaned and came, too.
Happy, Jack and Jill drove home
As fast as he could take her.
They went to bed and tried again
He then paid her gold and silver.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Going global

I can’t tell you how excited I am that this blog has gone global. Global, baby, global! If I may take you on a little tour around this blog, allow me to point out a few items.
Every once in a while, I discover a gadget to add. First it was a French phrase of the day, because I wanted to learn French idioms, which are not typically taught in classrooms. Then it was a visitor counter. That was pretty cool, but also fairly easy to manipulate as each time I craft an article and check to see the results, it counts as a visit. There was one day that my visitor counter jumped by about 80. I thought that was cool because I know that wasn't me. I don't have OCD. Wait, let me check.
My latest gadget is this clever little map which visually conveys information about where visitors to this site originate. Most likely you'll have found this site because I migrated you from receiving a "Joke of the Day" by AIM or you found me via Trigger Street or Twitter.
It appears that visitors aren't just my pals in Los Angeles, but cyberpals around the world. Los Angeles, Kansas City (just a guess for the speck in the Midwest), and presumably Philadelphia were the first dots to appear, then followed by Portland, Paris France and somewhere in Switzerland (Miss Topanga, is that you?). Bonjour mes amis, bienvenue!
As of last night's overnight tallies, it appears I have cyberpals in the Bay Area (Hi Bob!), and I’m just eyeballing this so I would venture to guess… Toronto, Houston, Orlando, and London – tally ho! I’m pleased as punch you are bothering to visit. Je suis absolument heureux!
The stakes have gone up, I’d say. Because I am quantitatively oriented, I have added another new feature at the end of each post. You may check a box if you consider the day's blog to be interesting, cool or funny. I will try to refrain from checking the boxes myself so the feedback is accurate unlike the visitor count.
You do realize of course that this will only give me a reason to start posting in a few different languages now, don't you? Zhe shi xin! (It's true!) Vraiment! (Truly!)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Come-back kid

On Sunday, Tiger Woods who was 4 strokes down shot a final-round, seven-under par 65 to come from behind and win at Memorial Tournament this weekend. Unbelievable.
It was a defensive struggle and a low scoring game in the first half from both sides. With .06 seconds left in regulation, Orlando rookie Courtney Lee had a clean layup under the basket, but it did not tip in. The Lakers then scored 13-8 in overtime to win it and they now lead 2-0 in the Finals.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I heart Yogurtland

I don’t understand the appeal of Pinkberry. I never have. Friends and loved ones have dragged me there over the years and I always pass. It’s tart in an unnatural way. If I wanted something tart, I would have Greek yogurt. Something real. But if I’m gonna splurge on the calories to eat something resembling soft serve ice-cream, it better taste like ice-cream and call itself yogurt. Capiche?
A few weeks ago, my friend Shannon introduced me to Yogurtland. Such a superior flavor profile I tell you. Not only that, but their yogurts do contain active live cultures: S. Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, and L. Acidophilus. Sounds like a Latin playbill, doesn’t it? As for the calories, they range from 96-132 calories per ½ cup (84 grams).
Why is Yogurtland better than Pinkberry? Yogurtland offers:
- 12 choices of flavors instead of 2
- fresh fruit toppings and dry toppings galore
- 30 cents per ounce, so you don’t feel ripped off paying $5
- self-serve yogurt and toppings so you get exactly what you want and how much you want
My current flavor combination is: peanut butter, coconut and Dutch chocolate with peanuts, coconuts, and sliced almonds.
They are currently located in California, Hawaii, Nevada, New York, Texas and Arizona. I wrote them to see if they would open one up in my house soon. I’ll keep you posted.