Happy Bastille Day! I suppose it's because I just got back from Paris that I'm cognizant of this particular French national holiday. It celebrates the storming of the Bastille fortress-prison, which symbolizes the uprising of a modern nation. I'm a little bummed that my holiday stay did not extend until today to cover this event, but I am grateful that I did get a chance to see Monet's Rue Montorgueil displayed in the Musée d'Orsay.
As for my unforgivable lack of updates during my trip, I can only offer this. I've been slacking off for good reason. I've come to the conclusion that there is a finite amount of time to get things accomplished in a day. Stop the presses, right? I know it's unfair, but it happens to the best of us. Even me.
So what with all this blogging business, I find it is detracting from writing. Sure it was a nice placeholder while I worked on my outline for Character Study, but even that didn't need to take over two months. Seriously. Break's over. I may not keep up with the rest of it, but I will commit at least to provide a little levity each day. So with that, allow me to make up with a joke for each day missed.
"Que Pasa amigos? Tengo hambre...donde esta los tacos?"
Now if he was stoned, he would definitely say...
"Jim Jim, I sure could use another hit of that."
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Here's one thing that James Bond would never say...
"Que Pasa amigos? Tengo hambre...donde esta los tacos?"
Sunday, July 12, 2009
"Jim Jim, I sure could use another hit of that."
Monday, July 13, 2009
And while his head was dunked into a toilet, he would say...
Good Lord! What screenwriter has done this to me!?! I'm James Bond for Christ's sake!! My head doesn't belong in a toilet!!!
...she winked at me through her irridescent purple eye shadow. Then I closed the book (Geriatric Hookers of Amsterdam). Enough fun for one evening.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I must be an idiot. I fell for the oldest trick in the book tonight, when......she winked at me through her irridescent purple eye shadow. Then I closed the book (Geriatric Hookers of Amsterdam). Enough fun for one evening.
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