Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bits and bobs

To those from Blighty, "bits and bobs" are what we from America call "odds and ends." Such was the day spent criss-crossing London from lunch at Wagamama a noodle shop south of the Thames and ending the day in the Ritz-y corner of Green Park and St. James Place at the Red Lion pub at the end of a cobblestone Crown Passage.

In between, we wandered mostly in Surrey touring the Globe Theatre in its third reincarnation as well as browsing through the most curious displays at Tate Modern.

The "soap on a rope" was the standout for me on this visit. But of course, I always manage to find and enjoy the recent works by one of my favorite artists, Jeff Koons.

I'm thinking of attending a new screenwriting-made-easy class that's being held next month at the local Super-8... for $800 (per day for three days) I get to learn from a "world class" award-winning writer who has come up with a new methodology. It's a little steep in price and I'm not exactly sure how that new 15-act structure plays out, but what really worries me is...
...their insistance on writing the part of Gerard Depardieu in each and every script.

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