The main draw of the AVP Manhattan Beach Open was the largest in recent history. With 64 teams competing to get to Sunday, there were some pretty astounding plays and matches. Team Gorgeous (Suzanne Stonebarger and Michelle More) faced the number 12 seed on center court in the contender's bracket. The format is double elimination and since they had already lost earlier in the day to Fontana/Kropp, they had one chance left to make it back to the semi-finals on Sunday. At a 10th seed, they were favored to win and so we were astounded the first game concluded 16-21 to Smith/Van Fleet. The second game was a nailbiter with More/Stonebarger pulling out a victory at 24-22, which meant going to a third as it was all tied up one game a piece. The third game played to 15, and Team Gorgeous won handily with 15-10.

Another qualifying team played out of their minds on the women's side yesterday. I only caught one of their matches because I was catching up with Liz Masakayan who was coaching Angela Knopf, one-half of this newly formed team, the 26th seed Knopf/Zartman. I paid attention in particular to Chrissie Zartman who is all of 5'3" (comme moi) and easily one of the smallest professional beach volleyball players competing. Through the course of the day, they faced four higher-ranked seeds and pulled out victories in each one: 23rd, 9th, 16th, and 22nd. It was only in the final women's match of the day were they eliminated, when they lost to More/Stonebarger in a quick 38 minute, two-game set (15-10). Still, a 7th place finish in a field of 64 is cause to celebrate. (Photo by Ken Delgado.)

Olympic Gold medalist Kerri Walsh also announced yesterday that she will be returning to compete in the AVP Hermosa Beach Open. It will be the first tournament since the birth of her son, Joey in May and gave her about a month and a half to train and prepare. She will be teaming up with Rachel Wacholder, who also recently gave birth to her son, Koa in April. Misty May-Treanor who was injured last year in the post-season while participating in 'Dancing with the Stars' is very healthy and cleared to do everything, according to Kerri. She goes on to say about Misty's decision not to return this season, "When she said she wasn't going to play for a year, she definitely meant it. She was born into this culture, and she definitely needs a break. She's really enjoying her time off, and I think she's "breathing" for the first time in a long time." For the detailed Q&A with Kerri, click here.
Other photos from the day taken from the camera of my iPhone include: Anthony Medel jump serves in game 2 of the match up Medel/Stolfus vs. Keenan/Lucena.
Joey Jennings at his first press event.
Olympic Gold medalist Todd Rogers serves in their second match of the day.
Casey Jennings at the net in the 9th match played on center court on Saturday, which began at 8:30 a.m. and concluded at 7:30 p.m.
Have my standards fallen so low that I would...
...pay $30 to see a Mexican donkey show?
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