Sunday, May 31, 2009

Say it again but with more feeling

Here I go again about to write another book report on how to write. As a rookie screenwriter, I have received numerous feedback about plot points and act structure. Over time – and by reading over 40 screenplays to date – I am starting to get the hang of what it is people are talking about. 

Karl Iglesias in Writing for Emotional Impact goes further and emphasizes emotion, hence the title. There are three kinds of feelings when reading a story: boredom, interest, and WOW! This book sheds light on techniques to create that WOW feeling on as many pages as possible including:

40 techniques to humanize a character for instant empathy 
7 essential storytelling emotions and 70 techniques to create them 
50 ways to craft powerful scenes 
30 techniques to shape your words and energize your narrative description 
60 techniques to craft dynamic dialogue that snaps, crackles, and pops off the page

Thank goodness Pat keeps me apprised of what to buy and what not to buy. This one is a keeper as evidenced by the extensive underlining and notes I have scribbled throughout it.

Don't under any circumstances look back. You might... 
...look to the left though. There you'll see the Grand Canyon and on your right is the Statue of Liberty.

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