Friday, July 10, 2009


If you flip to the page in the dictionary as you look up the word sublime, these little cookie sandwiches are likely pictured. While macarons date back to the 18th century court of Versailles and were served to royalty, the double-decker macarons sandwich with a sweet pastry cream center are the invention of Laduree, of which 15,000 are sold each day to the masses. We sampled four flavors: rose petal, coconut, sea-salt caramel, and chocolate. This experience has got to be the culinary highlight of our trip thus far, but I am also holding out for Pierre Herme on Saturday as well as Poilane.

Among the cultural highlights would include a brief visit to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, and Psyche and Cupid.

We also visited the cemetary at Pere Lachaise to visit the graves of Oscar Wilde, Moliere, Marcel Proust, Frederic Chopin, Honore de Balzac, Eugene Delacroix, Sarah Bernhardt, Jim Morrison, and Richard Wright.

Don't you hate it when you leave your house in the morning, you wonder whether or not you've forgotten to...
...feed the puppy? Or even the baby? God, it's true what they say about pot. I gotta quit living alone and find someone to share the burdens.

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